Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Apakah Brain/Mind Power Dan Power Of Dream

  • BRAIN/MIND POWER adalah ilmu yang mengajarkan tentang pikiran manusia dan bagaimana memberdayakannya. Ilmu ini termasuk ilmu baru yang berkembang pada abad 20.
  • Walaupun cuma sebesar tempurung kelapa dan beratnya kurang dari 3 kilogram, tapi otak manusia luar biasa hebat. Terdapat miliaran sel di dalamnya. Tiap sel setara dengan 1 komputer tercanggih di dunia. Tidak banyak orang yang tahu betapa hebatnya pikiran manusia. Menurut para ahli, rata-rata manusia baru menggunakan kekuatan pikirannya kurang dari 10%. Bahkan Einstein pun baru menggunakannya kurang dari 15%. Banyak orang yang sampai akhir hayatnya tidak dapat memberdayakan otak/pikirannya.
  • Dengan BRAIN/MIND POWER (pikiran sadar dan bawah sadar, otak kiri dan kanan serta hati/niat) kita bisa memunculkan kekuatan raga, alam, dan ilahi. Beberapa penjabarannya seperti menolak informasi negatif secara otomatis, super brain memori, menyembuhkan diri sendiri, membaca kilat, meraih impi efek dari kekuatan pikiran (tidak selalu magic atau kekuatan alam).
  • Ilmu BRAIN/MIND POWER dikemas untuk memenuhi berbagai keperluan seperti hiburan, bisnis, pendidikan, agama, budaya, dan sebagainya.
  • Memahami dan bersyukur betapa hebatnya otak Anda.
  • Mengubah mindset Anda dari negatif ke positif dengan cepat.
  • Memecahkan permasalahan yang sangat berat sekalipun.
  • Menghentikan kebiasaan buruk (Narkobais, phobi, dll).
  • Mengubah rasa benci menjadi simpati, sayang, bahkan cinta.
  • Mampu melakukan sesuatu yang selama ini Anda kira mustahil.
  • Mampu menyembuhkan diri sendiri tanpa menggunakan obat.
  • Menadi maghnet yang dapat menarik apa pun yang Anda inginkan.
  • Mengatasi stress atau depresi yang terjadi dalam diri Anda.
  • Menjadi ebih kreatif, lebih mampu meraih prestasi, dapat mencapai karier, dan sanggup menjadi yang terbaik.
  • Meningkatkan Daya Ingat Anda sampai 1000%
  • Meningkatkan daya baca Anda 100x lebih cepat
  • Meraih kekayaan dan kesejahteraan atau apa pun yang Anda impikan.
  • Meningkatkan keimanan Anda, bahwa di luar manusia ada kekuatan yang Maha Hebat, yakni Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Metode belajar brain/mind power agak unik. Pelatihan banyak dipenuhi dengan ilustrasi seperti permainan, sulap, teka-teki, film pendek, lagu-lagu, musik, pembangkitan emosi, meditasi, afirmasi, pembacaan puisi dll. Tujuannya adalah agar peserta didik dapat menggunakan otak kiri dan otak kanannya secara seimbang, mempercepat penangkapan otak terhadap materi pelajaran, dan membuat peserta mudah menggali lagi memorinya.
  • Permainan, Untuk membuktikan adanya kekuatan pikiran secara langsung. Salah satu permainan adalah mengangkat rekannya dengan 2 jari, melakukan pencapaian lebih jauh dari yang semula bisa dikerjakan.
  • Lagu-lagu dan musik, Agar peserta tetap dalam keadaan fresh gembira, bersemangat, dan mampu memancing gelombang alpha yang memudahkan pengetahuan ini lengket ke pikiran bawah sadar.
  • Film-film pendek, Untuk maksud agar suasana menjadi segar dan mengaktifkan pengelihatan, pikiran sadar dan bawah sadar.
  • Pembangkitan emosi motivasi di bawah gelombang Alpha, sebuah sesi di mana peserta akan dibawa ke gelombang alpha yang membuat mereka akan terus termotivasi untuk meraih impiannya sekalipun mereka sudah keluar dari ruang seminar.
  • Afirmasi, Sebuah cara untuk melakukan program terhadap pikiran bawah sadar.
  • Jika waktu memungkinkan juga digunakan metode pembacaan puisi, sismulasi, dan lain-lain yang tujuannya untuk membuat kesan mendalam dan ingatan yang kuat pada materi yang diajarkan.
Mind power is the ability to direct and focus the power of mind to create specific outcomes in life.
Mind power is not magic. Mind power is not about being able to make someone else do something they don't want to do. Mind Power is not about controlling another person's mind or imbedding your thoughts, beliefs, memories or images in another person's mind.
Mind power is personal. Mind power is something that you work with personally to create a specific outcome that you want.
When the mind is focused, directed and working toward a specific goal you begin to tap into the power of the mind. This kind of mind power works in conjunction with the subconscious mind. The mind can directly impact the subconscious mind with
thoughts and repeated phrases. This is the real power of the mind. It has the ability to interact with the subconscious mind.
Once you understand the power of the mind you can begin to develop your mind power.
You can begin to work with mind power to create specific outcomes that you want in life. There are specific techniques and methods that you can apply to develop mind power so that you are directing the power of your mind and subconscious mind to help
you achieve specific goals.
I outline all of these techniques in my free mind power e-course. All you have to do is register today and you'll also get my mind power mp3 download - which gives you all the techniques you need to direct your mind power so that you achieve the
success you want.
To work with mind power correctly you should pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs. Your thoughts and beliefs are the real power behind mind power. Because these shape your views on the world and eventually dictate what actions you will take. If you believe it's difficult to make money then you will take actions that make it difficult for you to make money. In this example - you're actually applying mind power to create what you don't want - more financial struggle.
Now you can turn things around and being applying mind power to make it easier for you to make money by changing your thoughts and beliefs.
You see your thoughts and beliefs are picked up by the subconscious mind. The subconscious then goes out and creates the situations that appeal to you that mirror what you believe and think.
The real power of the mind is in the ability to change those thoughts and change those beliefs. When you work with mind power you realize that you are in control of your mind. You have the power to change thoughts that don't help you succeed. You have the power to create new beliefs. Once you plant new thoughts and beliefs in your mind you begin to direct the power of your mind to work with your subconscious so that you enjoy greater success.
Mind power is something you should work with everyday and that means really paying
attention to what you think and believe. Your mind has tremendous power - you just have to learn how to use and direct that power. I show you how to work with mind power, how to develop mind power and how to direct the power of the mind so that you

To truly develop your mind power and to effectively direct the subconscious mind you have to learn and work with a number of techniques. The best way to do this is to apply a system where you work with different techniques at different times during the day. These techniques and exercises should be focused on directing the subconscious mind. As you work with them regularly you'll develop your mind power and you'll begin to achieve more of what you want.
Once you master Mind Power you then quickly begin to direct the power of the subconscious mind. And you develop the ability to achieve more in less time.
Doctors and scientists now agree that the mind and subconscious mind shape your life and create your reality. That you are constantly creating your life based on your thoughts and beliefs. The mind's power is infinite and we are simply scratching the surface when it comes to understanding the full potential of the power of the mind.
You are always developing and applying Mind power - you just don't know it. And you are always directing the subconscious mind - again, you just don't know it.
The subconscious mind will create what ever you want - you just have to know how to direct the subconscious mind and how to use mind power so that you get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.
Working with mind power, and directing the subconscious mind is natural and easy. You don't need any subliminal programs to direct the subconscious mind or to develop mind power.